Jumping from a cliff every night...
The Rape of Persephone
August 19, 2018
And I know it feels uncomfortable
And you think you haven't been sexually assault
And probably you haven't or you have but you don't know
And you might know but you don't want to know
You don't want to talk about it because it feels bad,
You feel embarrassed, ashamed, but I was.
Promegranate Season
It is hard not to think of Gaia
October 27, 2017
We are in the future.
Its too late to do anything for Gaia
we can remember her,
we can assess our actions
we could have helped her.
We didn´t.
We are now beetles. Regrets?
The ghost is coming to get you!
May 16, 2017
Every MAN. Every WOMAN. Every CHILD in Mexico have heard the story of La Llorona (The Weeping Woman).
A mother who drowned her two children and then... herself,
through the story of our character Rosie a ghost story is born. Our ghost lives in the Mexican waters, crying.
Do you want to know what really happened?
With me or no one
April 28, 2017
Love for things, Love for him, Love for her.
Love is an illness, Love is mad, Love is illegal.
The end....
Broken Words and Broken Hearts.
Love with us.
If the floor is dirty, look at the ceiling.... It is always clean!
November 15, 2016
Ready? 1...2...3...
My parents were the funniest people in my village.
My father told my mother a dirty joke.
My mother died laughing.
Then my father killed himself.
And I came here..... to clean this house!
The Clean House
A Liar dressed as an Angel
March 15, 2016
The face that launched a thousand ships...
Helen of Troy will use her tongue and body of serpent to escape from the charges of infidelity.
More clever than beautiful!
Women of Troy